Useful Links

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As posted by Black Knyght,

A couple of useful links from the inactive but archived Space site

A): SEIV Mods –

B): SEIV Shipsets –

C): SEV Mods –

D): SEV Shipsets –

16 responses to “Useful Links”

    1. Admin Avatar

      Added as permenant links! Thank you!

  1. ekolis Avatar

    Maybe links to the Steam community sites and/or store pages for the various SE games would be nice? There’s so many of them I won’t list them here, but you can find them in Steam.

    Also, the imagemod links are misspelled “imgaemod” 😛

  2. Admin Avatar

    Good call!
    Will do that once I get to the computer

  3. TeamGamers Avatar

    Hello Links dont work actually for me. Is there a way to get the mods for SEIV?

  4. Admin Avatar

    Really? Hmm…
    PM Black Knyght on here. He’s got a repository of shipsets and mods.

    1. TeamGamers Avatar

      Thank you i wrote him a message. Mby its usefull to link all mod files on this site directly in the forum or host them on a secondary drive/webspace. Kind regards

    2. TeamGamers Avatar

      Iam willed to help if needed 🙂

      1. Admin Avatar

        That would be awesome! BK has the most complete collection that I am aware of. If you can work it out, I can create a section to post specific links to specific content.

        1. TeamGamers Avatar

          sounds great does he have the files already online somewhere? google drive etc?

  5. TeamGamers Avatar

    I defenitely like to help 🙂 Do you mean with section a site like “usefull links”, “tools” etc.? One page for each SE title in the end would be cool i think 😀 mby also with subpages for mods, shipsets, patches etc.; but if you create one section in that we could work, i could create there a list with modname, download link and a short description for each mod if i know it or can search for it over the webarchive. After we have that you can make the structure that Black Knyght and you desire and copy the content to it. Its a long project to link all of the content but i definitely like to help with it to keep the game alive.

  6. Admin Avatar

    That sounds like a great idea! I’ll see what I can start with

  7. TeamGamers Avatar

    Well i collected all files from and uploaded them in one pack you have the link as pm. i have finished sorting an archive for the following titles; they are nearly complete:

    – Miscellaneous
    – Space Empires III
    – Space Empires IV Classic
    – Space Empires Starfury


    – Space Empires IV Gold
    – Space Empires V

    iam creating right now a list; there is much missing. We need supporters who share their downloaded files with us, to recomplete it. With my list we can see which files are missing.

    Kind Regards

  8. Dummy Avatar

    I’ve a Space Empires III mod, if you like.
    It gives a lot of SEIV feel, but it’s not the same.

    BTW Hello everyone!

    1. Admin Avatar

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16 responses to “Useful Links”

    1. Admin Avatar

      Added as permenant links! Thank you!

  1. ekolis Avatar

    Maybe links to the Steam community sites and/or store pages for the various SE games would be nice? There’s so many of them I won’t list them here, but you can find them in Steam.

    Also, the imagemod links are misspelled “imgaemod” 😛

  2. Admin Avatar

    Good call!
    Will do that once I get to the computer

  3. TeamGamers Avatar

    Hello Links dont work actually for me. Is there a way to get the mods for SEIV?

  4. Admin Avatar

    Really? Hmm…
    PM Black Knyght on here. He’s got a repository of shipsets and mods.

    1. TeamGamers Avatar

      Thank you i wrote him a message. Mby its usefull to link all mod files on this site directly in the forum or host them on a secondary drive/webspace. Kind regards

    2. TeamGamers Avatar

      Iam willed to help if needed 🙂

      1. Admin Avatar

        That would be awesome! BK has the most complete collection that I am aware of. If you can work it out, I can create a section to post specific links to specific content.

        1. TeamGamers Avatar

          sounds great does he have the files already online somewhere? google drive etc?

  5. TeamGamers Avatar

    I defenitely like to help 🙂 Do you mean with section a site like “usefull links”, “tools” etc.? One page for each SE title in the end would be cool i think 😀 mby also with subpages for mods, shipsets, patches etc.; but if you create one section in that we could work, i could create there a list with modname, download link and a short description for each mod if i know it or can search for it over the webarchive. After we have that you can make the structure that Black Knyght and you desire and copy the content to it. Its a long project to link all of the content but i definitely like to help with it to keep the game alive.

  6. Admin Avatar

    That sounds like a great idea! I’ll see what I can start with

  7. TeamGamers Avatar

    Well i collected all files from and uploaded them in one pack you have the link as pm. i have finished sorting an archive for the following titles; they are nearly complete:

    – Miscellaneous
    – Space Empires III
    – Space Empires IV Classic
    – Space Empires Starfury


    – Space Empires IV Gold
    – Space Empires V

    iam creating right now a list; there is much missing. We need supporters who share their downloaded files with us, to recomplete it. With my list we can see which files are missing.

    Kind Regards

  8. Dummy Avatar

    I’ve a Space Empires III mod, if you like.
    It gives a lot of SEIV feel, but it’s not the same.

    BTW Hello everyone!

    1. Admin Avatar

      That would be great!

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